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technical Due Diligence of large-scale solar plants


  • Inspection of all aspects of installation including solar panel mounting system from foundations to how the solar panels are secured; inverter and combiner-box locations and mounting; assembly of cables and connections; substations and inverter stations; monitoring system equipment; CCTV.

  • Assessment of applied technical solutions. Critical mistakes occur at different project stages including design, purchase of equipment and materials, construction, and operation. We have the competence and expertise to recognize and manage any potential problems in order to protect your investment. 

  • Electrical testing of all DC and AC low voltage equipment and circuitry. We use specialized equipment to carry out thermographic analysis of PV modules and all connections in the system, IV-Curve tracing, the Riso of strings, and other critical characteristics that enable us to diagnose any problems or opportunities. 

  • Performance analysis to identify underperformance issues,  and to examine the potential to improve energy output. 

  • Assessment of backtracking, which is an algorithm applied to PV trackers to avoid solar modules shading each other. Backtracking is a common source of error in system commissioning which causes underproduction, diminished output.

  • Analysis of Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor electrical tests reports, and an assessment of the quality of materials that have been used, including those specified and not specified in design documentation. 

  • A detailed report in an easily readable format:

    • Executive summary, and explanation of findings in general.

    • Detailed findings, including raw data and an explanation of the implications.

    • Recommendations

The technician takes the Thermoscan(thermal image camera) scan to the solar panel to check


  • Quality control at the construction site, every week.

  • Supervision of all aspects of installation including solar panel mounting system from foundations to how the solar panels are secured; inverter and combiner-box locations and mounting; assembly of cables and connections; substations and inverter stations; monitoring system equipment; CCTV.

  • Consultation on-site as required and recommendations to EPC contractors on improving the applied technical solutions and improving the quality overall.

  • Live online interface for you to check the status of inspections and the progressive elimination of pre-identified deficiencies or risks inherent to the project. 

  • Checking of EPC-contractor's documentation, electrical tests reports, and an assessment of the materials being used on-site.​

  • During construction, written reports weekly or at agreed intervals to summarise progress to date and highlight any specific issues arising.

  • Post-construction functionality checks of the whole system (PCFC):

    • We use specialized equipment to carry out thermovision analysis of PV modules and all connections in the system, IV-Curve tracing, measuring Riso of strings, and other critical characteristics that enable us to diagnose any problems or deviations.

    • Performance analysis to identify and correct underperformance issues.

    • Checking of backtracking, which is an algorithm applied to PV trackers to avoid solar modules shading each other. Backtracking is a common source of error in system commissioning which causes underproduction, diminished output.

    • A detailed report in an easily readable format:

      • Executive summary, and explanation of findings in general.

      • Detailed findings, including raw data and an explanation of the implications.

  • The Qualitz Certificate of Quality Assurance. 

  • Other required services.

Workers use Multimeter to measure the voltage of electrical wires produced from solar energy for con


  • Technical review and analysis.

  • Defining of the optimal system configuration (DC, AC) to maximize ROI.

  • Detailed design of whole system from modules to grid connection.

  • Simulation of the production of the PV-Plant.

Services: Services
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